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Public Notice

Cecil Jones College - Admission Limit 200

Admission Limit: 200

Admission Criteria:
The admission criteria to be used to determine which pupils will be admitted in September 2014 are as follows:

1. Looked After Children and children who were looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order)

2. Selective places:
Twenty places will be available to pupils who pass the selection procedure as administered by the CSSE (of which the College is a founder member). Parents/Carers are required to complete the CSSE Supplementary Information Form (SIF) to register their child for the 11+ selection test. Places will be awarded by reference to the order of merit list, with preference given to pupils with highest scores. In the event of 2 or more pupils achieving the same mark for the last place available, preference will be given as follows:
(a) Where the child has a sibling currently attending the College. (See explanatory note (i) below)
(b) Proximity of the child’s home to the College, with those living nearer being accorded the higher priority. (See explanatory note (ii) below)

3. Borderline Selective places:
If any selective places remain unfilled, the Governors will consider whether any of the remaining applicants who took the selection test are eligible to be awarded a borderline selective place. In doing so, preference will be given to those students with the highest scores in the order of merit.

4. Non Selective places:
The remaining places will be allocated without reference to ability or aptitude. Where applications for admissions exceed the number of places available, the following criteria will be applied, in the order set out below, to decide which children to admit:
(a) Where the child has a sibling attending the College (see explanatory note (i) below).
(b) Where the child lives within the catchment area served by the College (see explanatory note (ii) below).
(c) The remaining places will be allocated by random allocation (an independently supervised lottery will take place for each round of allocation). However, where the school is named in a child’s statement of special educational needs the College and the Local Authority have a duty to admit the child.

Admission to Key Stage 5 (Sixth Form):
The College has an inclusive approach to post-compulsory education and welcomes applications from students in Year 11 at other schools. A prospectus and application form is available from the Main College office and we welcome the opportunity to show our superb Sixth Form Centre to prospective students, and to discuss suitable courses. The offer is tailored to the needs of students and includes over twenty five AS/A2 subjects (with a mix of traditional academic and vocational options), from which 3 must be chosen. There is also Child Care (CCE) and 2 further level 2 courses. Criteria for entry to the courses vary and are tailored to the subject. The average GCSE capped point score is used to select students for courses. Specific details can be found in the college prospectus. Numbers that can be accommodated in each subject vary and the College is committed to providing suitable courses for all applicants, where this is possible within its resources. The College currently places a limit of 250 on its sixth form provision. Should there be more suitable applicants than places on a course, then Looked After Children and children who were looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order) will be given the highest priority. Progression onto the second year of the subject is dependent on performance at AS indicating that success at the highest level is likely.

Explanatory Notes:
(i) Definition of Sibling Siblings are considered to be an older brother or sister, half brother or half sister, step brother or step sister, adopted brother or sister, living at the same address, who attends the school at the time of application with a reasonable expectation that he or she will still be attending at the time of the proposed admission.
(ii) Definition of Proximity to College Where the child lives within the catchment area serviced by the college, then straight-line distance, measured from the front door of the child’s home address (including flats) to the East Gate at the Eastern Avenue Site will be used, with those living nearest being given preference. Distances will be measured using the Local Authority’s computerised measuring system. The home address is considered to be the address at which the child resides on a permanent basis. If the child lives at more than one address, it is the address of the parent/guardian that is in receipt of child benefit for the child that is considered as the home address. Verification may be required.

Arrangements for appeals:
Parents are asked to indicate their intention to appeal within 3 weeks of receiving notification that they have failed to secure a place for their child. Letters of appeal should be sent to the clerk to the Governing Body and addressed to the school.

Published on 06/02/2013