AN Indian restaurant in Corringham has had a plan to build a glass front extension refused.

The owners of Zaal Indian Dining, at 3 Lampits Hill, wanted to extend the dining area by four metres.

Planning officers refused a previous application saying the extension “would introduce a visually intrusive feature that is out of character with the other buildings within the shopping parade and street scene”.

They have now refused the latest application.

A planning officer’s report said: “The proposed single storey front extension would, by reason of its siting forward of the notional building line in the parade, be considered as out of character in relation to the original and existing development pattern of the wider local shopping parade which would be harmful to the character and visual appearance of the locality.

“As a result, the proposal would fail to enhance or preserve the original character of the area."

There are no other front extensions within the Lampits Hill parade of shops and officers felt the design, scale and location would conflict with the existing “coherent building pattern of the parade of shops”.

The latest application has attempted to rectify concerns with an overall reduction in size, a low key design and a better choice of material designed to make the extension “less imposing”.

Concerns had been raised over noise and disturbance and access for owners of neighbouring shops and that the front extension would impose on a right of entry to other commercial units.